Hi, it's Joe again. I wanted to wrap this year up with some thoughts. As you may know, I run a small, family-owned business. We handcraft natural skincare and holistic remedies. I have many strengths and many weaknesses, and 2023 was a test of both, to be sure. I hope you and yours are doing great and that 2023 has been filled with blessings.
I know that this forum has been sputtering along and that it's kind of old-fashioned and clunky, but for me, it's a warehouse for information, and for those of you who know me, one thing you likely know is that I don't give up easily. I'm going to keep at it, knowing that the new people who pop in will have a view of at least some of the history and exploration that we have shared as a community.
One of the things that a small business notices most is the public support from the members of the community. Sometimes, it's a private conversation, but the little things like comments and shares, questions asked, and reviews really help prime the pump and help bring more valuable members to the community, and we all benefit from that. I want to thank all of you who have shown real support this year, and I'm looking forward to a blessed and fruitful 2024 to share with our community! Here's an easter egg. The first one to create a post or story that brings Willow Creek Springs or Gardens of Hope some love (not just an emoji comment or a simple repost but a bit of effort and some thought, I have a $100 coupon for you. and a $50 coupon for everyone else that posts. (limit of one per person) This is good until the end of 2023!
Happy New Year!