Hi, All; I have been meeting with a lot of new people this month as part of our newly rolled-out programs. While discussing our product offerings, I have been asked, "Do you have anything for neuropathy?" and other nerve pain issues. The long answer is that many of our clients, for the past 20 years, have found relief for various nerve pain-related ailments such as our cooling and Hot/cooling topicals. But the short answer is No, we haven't yet targeted this issue specifically. Now, as you may know, we do not give medical advice, nor do we make any sort of claims of healing or other sort specific health claims, however, sometimes our clients do find some relief or improved quality of life from our offerings. Since I'm trying some new things out, I decided to open the process up to outside participation, and let's see if we can find some effective natural solutions to a prevalent hardship in many lives. In the first stage, I'm willing to receive input as to possible ingredients or any suggestions for a finished product. I will consider all types of finished products as a possibility. Likely one on one-on-one meetings will be the best way to communicate; however, if enough people wish to participate, I will open up a group meeting. Next, I will need to gather the ingredients and create an initial offering/offerings, and then we will begin a testing process. Please reach out by sending an email to itsjoegrumbine@gmail.com and let me know the best way to reach you and any thoughts you have to get started.
Thank you for being a part of the Willow Creek Springs dream!
Suffer from peripheral neuropathy! Cayenne, tumeric, ginger, ceylon cinnamon, black pepper, garlic are all good places to start... I'd be down with helping to develop something with you!
I suffer with nerve pain terribly. I will gladly participate in bringing relief to people. Give me details when available.