I am happy to announce that Gardens of Hope 501c3 is progressing nicely after just seven months.
We have planted hundreds of veggie and herb plants, and several therapeutic gardens have been started by supporters and volunteers alike.
We have engaged several military veterans and have created an advisory board to bring their experience to the table.
Many veterans will experience the healing value of horticulture for a wide range of issues.
We have had a decent number of volunteers come out and help work the farm and gain some therapy themselves and we've launched a number of projects fueled and funded by the support of the community.
Gardens of hope began growing microgreens as a volunteer project as well as a fundraising tool. We're learning together and providing nutrient-dense superfoods to people that wish to support our org and their health.
We have met with and given tours to staff and leadership of several local non profits and I'm glad to forcast some incredible projects and partnerships in the near future. We met with The head of the Riverside County mental health facility and I'm very happy to announce that within a month, we will be unveiling a project that will provide therapy and a venue for meetings, sessions, retreats, and more. If you're interested in participating in therapeutic horticulture via the Gardens of Hope, please reach out to itsjoegrumbine@gmail.com and we'll get you started.
If your'e interested in access to our microgreens, Link to intro
Finally, as you may know, Willow Creek Springs is a formal sponsor of Gardens of Hope 501c3, and we're offering fresh-cut microgreens as a sponsored fundraiser.
Click link to access order form.
Absolutely incredible you and your family have a beautiful vision and making it come to life. Congratulations 🎉👏